First Weeks in Reykjavik

06 Jul 2021 - john


I was in Reykjavik, Iceland for 2 weeks, and this was the best photo I took there…lol. Not sure what my deal was, but I just couldn’t come up with anything compelling in the city (photo-wise). What I have to show for about a dozen hours of walking around is… some ducks. But hey, the little lake in the middle of town there was really nice. I went there a lot to relax and people watch.

I’ll be back in the capital for another week after my time north (I am way behind on updates here as I just decided to do this. So, starting back from the beginning).

Anyway, it was a very relaxing city to wander about and work from. I drank extreme amounts of espresso and got a lot of thinking done, which is always nice.