I Saw A Volcano

Created on 06 Jul 2021

I am proud to have seen my first volcano, and though I thought before I went that I would try and put together some kind of cinematic and epic footage of the whole thing, I realized very quickly that wasn’t really realistic. And, if I’m honest, I am a little tired of that kind of content. The internet is full of people who have somehow managed to make every day life and tourist filled mountains look like Michael Bay films.

The truth is, if you go here. You will be joined by hundreds of other people in puffy jackets getting blown around on the rocks while you all try and enjoy what little you can see of the eruption. That’s the deal. So, that’s what’s in the video.

First Weeks in Reykjavik

Created on 06 Jul 2021


I was in Reykjavik, Iceland for 2 weeks, and this was the best photo I took there…lol. Not sure what my deal was, but I just couldn’t come up with anything compelling in the city (photo-wise). What I have to show for about a dozen hours of walking around is… some ducks. But hey, the little lake in the middle of town there was really nice. I went there a lot to relax and people watch.

I’ll be back in the capital for another week after my time north (I am way behind on updates here as I just decided to do this. So, starting back from the beginning).

Anyway, it was a very relaxing city to wander about and work from. I drank extreme amounts of espresso and got a lot of thinking done, which is always nice.

First Time Using Fujifilm Jpeg Images

Created on 06 Jul 2021


Even though I’ve been editing my images in Lightroom for forever, I decided to start playing around with my Fujifilm camera’s jpeg output. I have to say, I kinda get why people rave about this now; the colors and tonality are really awesome.

This one actually happens to be a custom recipe from the Fujifilm Weekly blog (Kodachrome 64)

It was kinda nice not to have to do any processing after taking it. Not every images comes out of the camera looking great, but that probably has as much to do with my skills and preferences as anything else.